

Sunday 7 September 2008

Crying baby to send a message to serious harm

Babies born to cry, but we, the parents spend a lot of time, anxiety and energy to try to make them stop. Sometimes, crying is a very good baby.

Most of us try to keep the child, crying. But crying healthy is a form of communication, it strengthens the lungs, and even help the Sante eye. Keep in mind that the baby cry is his way of communicating with you. To listen and respond appropriately is much more important than trying to stop it.

What is the average baby cries

After a certain time and attention, May you be able to see that your baby cries differently for different needs. You'll soon as you can distinguere between when it is hungry, tired or wet only by listening to her cry. Listen to his cry, and learn what to calm him, so you can know better the next time it tries to communicate to you. This is useful because it helps you to meet its needs more quickly and help you to identify when something is out of the ordinary.
Crying babies sleep aid

Studies have shown that babies who cry to sleep really sleep more securely. So it is ok for the baby to bed and let him cry until he falls asleep, if tired, and it is time to sleep. Crying is a long hale and can do for a baby to fall asleep more quickly, too. Sometimes the baby is better to go back to sleep, when the vigerous few tears.

Crying releases tension and the baby is the only form of communication for quite a long period. It is normal for crying babies, late afternoon or early evening, only because it was a long day. Consider compensation by the baby!
Crying is a cyclical

Doctors say that the tears will monitor the curve. From birth, crying increases by two or three weeks, the summit between six and eight weeks, then slow down after that, in general, hitting the lowest level in nearly four months. So if your baby crying, it may not be a part of the cycle.

Crying baby to send a message to serious harm

As you can see, most of crying is normal. But there are times when crying shows that the real problem. If your baby cries abnormally, check for fever or other signs of illness. In babies before 4 months, crying can mean colic. Crying May also noted constipation, abdominal pain or tenderness of the environment (light, touch and sound). It is not crying for everyone can also be a cause for concern, very sick children will be too weak to cry. If you find that your child is crying more or less so that is not normal for him, please do not hesitate to call the pediatrician.

Babies born to cry, it is a natural part of their development. So, listen, learn and relax. Given that this is a CRY BABY may be a good decision.