

Tuesday 19 August 2008

WHY Baby Cry ?

Have a new babies are pretty predictable. They sleep, cry, eat, cry, soil their diapers, and cry some more. In fact, some babies seem to cry all the time. Crying is the only way a baby can communicate a need. If your baby is crying, it’s usually for one of the following reasons:

  1. Hunger. Most newborns feed every two to four hours, with breastfed babies feeding more frequently than those who are bottle fed. Simply feeding the baby can stop a cry of hunger. Remember to burp the baby during a feeding to avoid gas or indigestion. Babies who cry between feedings may need to suck more often, which can be satisfied with a pacifier or your clean finger. Because extremely active babies can work themselves into a frenzy when they get hungry, you may need to learn to anticipate when your baby is going to be hungry and offer the feeding before he or she becomes upset. Babies that cry often are more likely to have a lot of gas from gulping air, and are more likely to spit up frequently.
  2. Pain. A cry of pain is usually a high-pitched, screaming cry. Some babies have a disorder called colic, which may be caused by too much gas in the intestine. An infant with belly pain may pull his or her legs up to the chest. Rocking or holding the baby may calm a colicky infant. Of course, there are many possible causes of pain, including illness and injury. If your baby cries for an unusual period of time and you can find no source of his or her pain, call your doctor.
  3. Discomfort. A cry of discomfort can be caused by too much time in a wet or soiled diaper, being too cold or too hot, a little gas, being in one position for too long, or the need to have a bowel movement. Changing the baby’s diaper, burping him or her, or a little walking or rocking can usually calm this type of cry. Many babies cry right before they have a bowel movement, and then stop after their diapers are changed.
  4. Overstimulation. It’s a whole new world to a baby, and sometimes it can get to be too much. Many babies become fussy in the evening. A baby that is overstimulated can be calmed by a little quiet time, a warm bath, or rocking.
  5. Sleepiness. Most people get fussy when they are tired. Tired babies often rub their eyes, or rub their faces against your shoulder. A crying, sleepy baby needs to lie down and take a nap. You might want to take advantage of this quiet time and do the same.
  6. Fear. That whole new world can be scary to a little person. A baby will cry when startled by a loud noise or sudden activity. You’ll find that certain people or animals may scare your baby. Soothe the baby by holding him or her close. Your presence makes your baby feel safe.
  7. Boredom. Sometimes babies cry because they have nothing better to do, or because they need some attention.

After a time, many parents find they can identify why their baby is crying just from the sound of his or her cry.

It is important to note that extremely active babies may cry more often than calmer babies. This can be very frustrating for a parent. It’s okay to put the baby down in a safe place, such as his or her crib, close the door, and let the baby cry for 15 to 20 minutes. You should remain in a place where you can hear the baby. Many babies will calm down and even fall asleep within that time period. If your baby does not, go back to him or her after 15 to 20 minutes, pick the baby up, and check again for any of the reasons listed above that can cause a baby to cry.

Remember that the baby is not crying just to annoy you or because you are a bad parent. If you have a very active, fussy baby, take advantage of a support system, such as grandparents or a reliable friend or babysitter, who can give you a break for a short time. Talk to your doctor about your baby’s crying in case there is a medical reason for his or her distress. If your baby’s crying makes you feel angry or extremely stressed, place the baby in his or her crib, and call someone who can help you, such as a crisis hotline, your doctor, or a family member or friend. Never hit or shake the baby. It will not stop the crying and can cause permanent damage or death.